SEO Goblins

Expert SEO solutions for thriving businesses.

SEO For Local Tradies

Local SEO – In this day and age of digital marketing, if you are not taking advantage of the search engines, especially Google, then you are missing out on a lot of business. Everyone knows that people usually turn to Google when somebody is searching for a business – especially local services. This is why your local business needs to take advantage of the huge potential market that Google can do for you. Now, this is where SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) comes in.

What is Local SEO and how can it help my business? When you are a small business with a brick and mortar store, or a local tradie, Local SEO can greatly benefit your business. Local SEO focuses on improving the visibility of your business to the search engine results. By applying this strategy you can reach customers who are looking for the type of services you offer.

Benefits of Local SEO

  • Increase Local Qualified Traffic To Your Website

Given that your website is properly optimized, Local SEO will increase the number of visitors to your website. These visitors are not just any kind of visitors, but potential customers ready to buy a product, or hire and use your services. A great way to optimize a website is through its content. By placing keywords that are picked up by Google, increasing loading time, and offering added value to the content.

  • Brand Awareness

Having a strong web presence especially on the first page of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP’s)  will create trust and confidence from the customers. People are likely to click on your website when you are on the first page of these search engines – over 75% of internet users never go onto the second page of a Google search. Search engines play a very significant role in establishing your business that is why, you as a business owner, need to invest in Local SEO.

  • First Page of SERP

The ultimate goal of having a web presence is to rank on the first page of search engines. This is where the majority of the customers are clicking and seeing your website. When you achieve this, your website could be holding that position for a very long time given that you maintain and update your website regularly.


How Local tradies Can Use Local SEO

  • Set up and maintain a Google My Business profile and Bing Places Profile

Having a Google My Business Profile is a must-have for any local business. Not only is this free but it gives you the ability to appear on google maps. This is also a good way to manage your website reviews and images. And did we mention that it’s FREE? If you aren’t sure how to set up your own Google My Business profile, contact a goblin today and we will be more than happy to show you how.

  • Register your business in local directories

Having your business information like Name, Address and Phone number (NAP) listed in local directories such as Google My Business (GMB), Bing Places and Yelp will give your business an upper hand among your competition. These local directories give the search engines a signal that your business is legitimate therefore your website trust factor goes up. Bear in mind that some of the bigger local directories will need to verify the phone number and address by calling you or send you a verification code sent to your listed business address so make sure that the information you entered is correct and consistent.

Google Ads and Bing Ads

One of the most cost-effective methods when it comes to generating leads and traffic to your website is pay per click advertising (PPC). Compared to costly traditional advertising, PPC advertising is affordable and targeted. Google and Bing have these platforms, although Google ads is the most commonly used one, you cannot disregard Bing Ads potential as it also has almost a billion searches per day. 

PPC can be effective in generating traffic to potential customers because you can easily be seen on the top of the page of the SERPs


Why Use PPC Ads For Your Local Business

  • Increase Leads Of Your Business – People are using search engines every day either for researching information, looking for local services or looking to buy something. If you use Paid ads, your website has the potential to be the first thing they see in the SERP if they search for a specific keyword. Google and Bing ads allow the advertiser to focus on people who are searching for your product or service. 


  • PPC ads are measurable – Paid ads are highly measurable and very easy to analyze since these platforms provide the advertisers with all the data they need. From the number of clicks, impressions, cost-per-click (CPC), conversions, etc. these platforms will provide you so that you can track your progress and set goals for your campaign.


  • High Return on Investment – Unlike traditional marketing, such as TV or radio commercials, where you pay for air time, PPC ads are targeted toward your chosen audience. You only pay if the Ad is clicked on. This may not happen immediately, but if your customer targeted campaign keeps testing which keywords are the most successful, then you are able to scale a campaign focused around it, until your desired results are achieved.


  • High-Quality Traffic – Google and Bing have a massive built-in customer base. These provide you with potential customers via the search engines that direct them to your website. All you need is to target them with the right strategy and budget.


You Control Your Budget – Deciding how much you want to spend on an ad or how much cost-per-click you wish to pay depends on you. You must consider things such as higher competition keywords in search campaigns which entails a higher cost-per-click amount. As a general rule for both Google ads and Bing ads, you choose how much you want to spend daily and monthly; you can also pause a campaign at any time in order to reassess or re-strategize.

How SEO Helps Your Business

Targeted Approach

SEO Goblins will assist you to effectively reach out to your target market every hour of the day or night. Whether your goal is to be the leading influence in your local area or extend throughout the nation and world, our SEO methods will increase the traffic of your website!

Tailored Solutions

Every single client has different strengths and needs. SEO Goblins promises to deliver tailored solutions that are unique and reliable. We guarantee to give your business the edge and make it stand-out from the competition!

Expert Communication

For a business to continually increase profitability, it must interact and connect with every potential customer, continually and successfully. At SEO Goblins, we think expert communication and marketing creates a solid foundation and a strong business network, and that’s exactly what we will help your website do! Give a goblin a call today.

Winning SEO and ECommerce Results

If you’re looking to outrank your competitor, then you’ve come to the right place because our eCommerce services are designed to do just that. You can rest assured that your website will have an increase in lead generation by the end of the day!